IPEP Director, School of Nursing
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jennifer T. Alderman, PhD, RN, CNL, CNE, CHSE is the Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP) Director and the BSN Program Director for the School of Nursing at UNC-Chapel Hill. Dr. Alderman has been teaching and presenting interprofessionally for over a decade. Dr. Alderman has expertise in IPE, simulation, quality and safety, and leadership.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Lightning Talk Description: Training in interprofessional collaboration and leadership skills in health professions education has been inconsistent, thus leading to poor collaboration and communication in clinical settings which can translate to poor patient outcomes. Health care is delivered in a team-based format, necessitating that health professions students receive quality, team-based training. This lightning talk will focus on the implementation and outcomes of an interprofessional simulation, IPE Peak Performance, aimed at improving collaborative practice and leadership skills among…
Seminar Description: Psychological safety – the shared belief that team members can take interpersonal risks is a relational factor that is essential to high functioning teams and high-quality health care. For example, hospitals with increased psychological safety experienced significantly greater reductions in risk-standardized mortality rates following acute myocardial infarction. Cardiothoracic surgery teams at an academic health center found that enhanced psychological safety significantly decreased surgical errors and nurse turnover at 12 months. Psychological safety matters and requires…