Associate Vice President
The Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center
Andrea L. Pfeifle is Associate Vice President, Interprofessional Practice and Education at the Ohio State University and Wexner Medical Center and Professor of Family and Community Medicine. Dr. Pfeifle has had the privilege of serving as the inaugural leader of university-wide interprofessional practice and education initiatives at three large universities. She is President of the National Academies of Practice and a charter member of its Physical Therapy Academy. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative. She avidly advocates, consults, publishes, and presents to advance interprofessional, integrated, patient-centered care to improve health and healthcare outcomes.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Seminar Description:
Description: This session will describe the importance, development, and utilization of a curated IPE registry to build a database across three institutions to enhance communication, drive innovation, and support continuous quality improvement of interprofessional practice and education programming. The IPE Registry is a curated database of descriptive information of essential characteristics of a diverse array of IPE learning experiences. All items in the registry have been vetted for quality and are readily accessible and searchable by students, faculty, accreditation…
Lightning Talk Description: Interprofessional researchers are working steadily to advance evidence linking the impact of interprofessional education (IPE) on collaborative, person-centered, clinical practice and the ways practice needs shape health professions education requirements. Studies with single university alumni find that graduates who participated in campus-based IPE recognize that their collaborative academic experiences shaped what they looked for, expected, and practiced in their workplaces (Shrader, et al, 2022; Crampsey, et al, 2023). These observations have been further…
Across the nation, health and higher education systems are under pressure from internal and external forces and demands - financially, politically, demographics, changing public perceptions, pressures from boards of directors, workforce under- and over- supply, and the demand for new business models. With senior leaders setting the organizational tone and culture at the top, where does that leave health teams in practice and the relevance of interprofessional education today? Are we viewed as cost centers living at the margins or contributors to solve today’s challenges? What are the new…
Join us for the Interprofessional Practice and Education Partners Forum to learn more about US organizations working to advance interprofessional practice and education. During the one-hour session, there will be three 20-minute rotations where attendees will have the opportunity to visit three different participating organizations for a briefing to learn more about their mission, priorities and new initiatives. Take this opportunity to hear the latest developments from organizations committed to advancing interprofessional priorities in learning and practice.
Click on the organization name…
Seminar Description: The seminar will provide a platform to share how interprofessional leaders are supporting some of the priority areas of the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being. The National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being (National Academy of Medicine, 2022) describes “changes needed across the health system and at the organizational level to improve the well-being of the health workforce.” The National Plan includes seven priority areas and advocates that health worker well-being requires support from multiple units, including academic institutions or training programs.…
Seminar Description: To generate new knowledge in interprofessional practice and education (IPE), it is essential that researchers understand the body of existing work. This understanding of what is already known allows researchers to develop questions that are meaningful and have the capacity to create new knowledge. If we are to build the case for IPE through information, evidence, and outcomes, researchers need to be well informed of the current evidence so they may build upon it. Unfortunately, IPE journal editors often see submissions that lack a thorough background section and research…