Conversation Cafe

Students as Partners in Transforming Health Care Practice Now

Thursday, September 28, 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT

Centers for IPE have had success in co-developing IPE curricula with student leaders, leading to more meaningful and relevant IPE for health professional students. IPE leaders have also bemoaned the “hidden curriculum” of experiential settings, often undoing the IPE advancements made in the didactic setting. While there is a new opportunity for IPE faculty and centers to transform interprofessional practice and experiential education, we have not discussed how to leverage our students as partners and co-developers in leading this change. We invite students, practitioners, educators and IPE leaders to engage in a discussion of what this should and could look like across our institutions.


This event is made possible through support from the University of Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education as a Connection Creator sponsor.


Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education