Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans
Tina Gunaldo is the inaugural Director for the Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at New Orleans. With a decade of experience in this area, Dr. Gunaldo has over 30 publications and has presented at regional, national and international conferences. Dr. Gunaldo is the co-editor in chief for the Health, Interprofessional Practice and Education journal and is a co-editor for the textbook Interprofessional Education and Collaboration: An Evidence-Based Approach to Optimizing Health Care.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Join us with a cup of coffee to learn more about the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and how to become involved. Highlights during the AIHC Open House include:
Introducing new AIHC Co-Conveners
Learning about the new AIHC organizational structure, including the Collaboration Hub, Collaboratives and Committees.
Discovering opportunities to get involved in the organization and how to make the most of your member benefits
Networking with colleagues and making professional connections
Seminar Description: With rapid changing healthcare and the increase in need of collaborative practice, education needs to adapt to meet these new changes. While Self Directed learning is not a new model or concept, it has been shown to be very effective form of education. “Cultivating students’ self-direction in learning is an imperative result of education.” ( Du Toit-Brits 2015). This type of learning places students in an active role of their education and supports them in lifelong learning. Student-centric, self-directed learning creates a deeper level of learning by increasing the…
Seminar Description: The seminar will provide a platform to share how interprofessional leaders are supporting some of the priority areas of the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being. The National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being (National Academy of Medicine, 2022) describes “changes needed across the health system and at the organizational level to improve the well-being of the health workforce.” The National Plan includes seven priority areas and advocates that health worker well-being requires support from multiple units, including academic institutions or training programs.…
Seminar Description:
Problem Statement: Replicability and generalizability of interprofessional education (IPE) outcomes is hampered by inconsistent reporting of IPE characteristics/variables and limited multi-institutional studies. Assuming single site studies continue to be highly represented in published literature, it is critical to advocate for a solution which supports replicability and allows researchers to account for variability in learning environments across institutions.
Background: A team of researchers from 8 institutions/organizations in the US took the first steps in…
Seminar Description: To generate new knowledge in interprofessional practice and education (IPE), it is essential that researchers understand the body of existing work. This understanding of what is already known allows researchers to develop questions that are meaningful and have the capacity to create new knowledge. If we are to build the case for IPE through information, evidence, and outcomes, researchers need to be well informed of the current evidence so they may build upon it. Unfortunately, IPE journal editors often see submissions that lack a thorough background section and research…
Lightning Talk Description: The interprofessional education (IPE) literature has noted benefits of engaging pre-health learners (Dumke, VanderWielen, Harris, & Ford-Smith, 2016) and engaging health professional students in IPE early in their academic journey (Langendyke, Hegazi, Cowin, Johnson, & Wilson, 2015). A benefit of early IPE engagement includes exposure to a variety of health professions before stereotypes develop or profession-concentric views (Gunaldo et al., 2021; Pecukonis, Doyle, & Bliss, 2008). This Lightning Talk will provide attendees with a blueprint for…