Priya Periakaruppan, BS
Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate
University of Minnesota
Priya is a 4th year pharmacy student at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy who is passionate about senior care and learning more about medication-related needs. As a pharmacy intern at Hennepin Healthcare, she has gained experience interacting with patients, communicating with other healthcare providers, and learning about the healthcare system. Priya is very interested in pursuing a career in geriatric pharmacy as she hopes to combine her interests in medication therapy management and patient care.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Lightning Talk Description: This lightning talk will focus on the Interprofessional (IPE) student experience and measurement of student IPE learning outcomes in the annual Interprofessional Geriatric Case Competition, hosted by the MN Northstar and St.Louis University GWEP (Geriatric Workforce Education and Practice) grants. The overall goal of the IPE Case Competition is to provide students studying to enter into a variety of health professions an opportunity to engage with each other in a case focused on older adults. Using a patient-centered geriatric framework, students listen and learn…