Caroline Schuepbach, DNP, RN
Emergency Department Staff Registered Nurse
SSM Health St. Anthony’s Healthplex East
Dr. Caroline Schuepbach, DNP. I have been working with OU Health Science Center on the 2S-LGBTQ simulation for the past two years. My doctorate degree is from Oklahoma City University. My area of focus is on LGBTQ health disparities. The 2S-LGBTQ simulation was developed as an interventions aimed at addressing these disparities within the healthcare community.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Lightning Talk Description: This Lightning Talk will address how IPE at OUHSC has utilized a standardized template to implement a social simulation specific to 2S-LGBTQ+ outpatient care. This simulation only hires standardized patients (SPs) that have lived experience as members of the LGBTQ community. By creating a realistic experience for learners where they are receiving feedback, education and perspective from individuals with lived experience, this simulation hopes to contribute to better care and education for the LGBTQ+ community. This simulation is developed and implemented in…