Beth Martin, RPh, PhD, FAPhA
Assistant Dean for Teaching & Learning, Professor
University of Wisconsin Madison
School of Pharmacy
Beth Martin RPh; PhD, FAPhA, is a Professor (CHS) and chair in the Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research Division, and Assistant Dean for Teaching & Learning, at the UW – Madison School of Pharmacy. Her work combines her strong passion for well-designed educational programs and assessments with principles of health behavior change. Both influence her clinical practice and professional teaching where she promotes the optimal use of motivational interviewing to improve patient outcomes. Her clinical expertise is in the areas of migraine headache, tobacco cessation, and older adult medication management and fall prevention.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Lightning Talk Description: The Health Professions Accreditation Collaborative (HPAC) published guidance on the development of interprofessional education (IPE) for health professions in 2019. Since that time, many health professions schools have developed and implemented IPE programs using the HPAC framework, inclusive of a rationale, goals, deliberate design, and assessment and evaluation. Program evaluation is built around IPE learning activities and associated targeted interprofessional competencies but must also account for the reality of IPE activities being modified or eliminated, or…