Assistant Dean for Education and Director of Interprofessional Education
Indiana University
Interprofessional Practice and Education Center
Zachary A. Weber, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CDCES, CHC, FASHP, FNAP is the Director of Interprofessional Education and Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice for Purdue University College of Pharmacy and the Assistant Dean for Education for the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE Center). At the College of Pharmacy, he is responsible for the implementation and oversight of the required, longitudinal IPE curriculum for Doctor of Pharmacy students, and at the IU IPE Center he oversees and manages the educational content and delivery of the Indiana statewide Team Education Advancing Collaboration in Healthcare (TEACH) IPE curriculum.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) can play an important role in creating a robust environment for appreciating health equity (HE), recognizing social determinants of health (SDOH), and teaching health- and social-care learners how to support these considerations for their patients/clients. It’s crucial to create learning opportunities to share the different perspectives each profession brings to the table. Participants will learn how to incorporate aspects of HE and/or SDOH into IPECP training and at the end of this session will be able to:• Describe a structure…