Tracy Wang, OD, FAAO
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Tracy Wang is a staff optometrist currently at the Palo Alto VA, serving veterans in both the primary care and polytrauma clinics. She joined the ASCO Interdisciplinary Practice and Collaborative Practice Committee in 2019 through her affiliation with UC Berkeley School of Optometry. Thanks to the support of the Committee, she was selected to the Working Group for the 2023 Revisions on the IPEC Core Competencies, which began in 2021. Tracy is grateful to continue developing and learning from the interdisciplinary academic and clinical communities.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Seminar Description: The Steering Committee for Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry’s Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) Special Interest Group, which is composed of optometric educators throughout the United States, converted a traditional Summit format to a hybrid series. The Summit was presented throughout 2023 in a 5-part format with 4 virtual sessions and a culminating in-person meeting aligned with a national meeting (American Academy of Optometry Meeting). The first portion featured more formalized presentations focused on themes related to…