Associate Professor/Clinical
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Temple A. Ratcliffe, MD, MS-HPEd, FACP, is an Associate Professor/Clinical of Medicine at the University of Texas Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine. Dr. Ratcliffe joined the faculty of UT Health in July 2014 and serves as both Director of the Internal Medicine Clerkship and as the Long School of Medicine’s representative on Linking Interprofessional Networks for Collaboration, UT Health’s interprofessional education council.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Poster Description: Background: While critical to improving learning and health care outcomes, large-scale clinical interprofessional education (IPE) within authentic clinical learning environments (CLEs) remains challenging. As a bridge to transition from preclinical to clinical IPE at a large academic health center, our team designed and piloted a self-guided, para-clinical IPE experience that will allow hundreds of interprofessional student groups to apply IPEC-derived teamwork concepts learned together to their individual experiences within CLEs. Results from this initial para-clinical…