Karen Dickinson, MBBS, BSc, MD, MEd, CHSE, FRCS
Director of IPE Simulation and Clinical Skills Training
University of Arkansas Medical Center
Dr Dickinson is Assistant Professor of Surgery and the Director of IPE Simulation and Clinical SkillsTraining at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, AR. She completed her surgical training in both the UK and US and has completed a General Thoracic Fellowship at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester. Subsequently she completed an American College of Surgeons-Accredited Educational Institute Surgical Simulation Fellowship at the Houston Methodist Institute for Technology Innovation and Education. She matriculated with Honors from the University of Houston with a Masters in Education. Her research interests include interprofessional simulation education, patient education and virtual learning

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Lightning Talk Description: Interprofessional healthcare providers’ understanding of health literacy is crucial to improve patient health and reduce disparities. Our report addresses a key issue in health equity, providing effective interprofessional education on health literacy. Coleman et al described the eight prioritized health literacy competencies (PHLCs) important in healthcare delivery and thus education. Our recent work established that the knowledge of healthcare educators and delivery of education with health literacy or PHLC targeted goals and learning objectives could be improved…