Julia Marcus
Medical Student
University of New England
College of Osteopathic Medicine
My name is Julia Marcus and I am a third year medical student at The University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. I am originally from Connecticut but have loved living in Maine and getting to enjoy the mountains and beaches! I am passionate about Harm Reduction and have had the privilege of volunteering at the Portland Needle Exchange for the past two years in addition to making Harm Reduction Kits for residents as they leave the Cumberland County Jail.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Interprofessional Student Poster Description: Basic needs that residents reentering the community require are overlooked. Cumberland County Jail (CCJ) provides individuals reentering with the same items that they had on them upon their arrival. Residents reenter the community without the resources they need to support their overall wellbeing. Given the high rates of individuals reentering with SUD, providing individuals with lifesaving materials is exigent. Of the 632 confirmed overdoses, 77% (n =475) were caused by fentanyl or fentanyl analogs (Table 5). According to The Lancet Public Health…