Clinical Assistant Professor
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
College of Allied Health
Jenny Gilmore joined the College of Allied Health as Adjunct Faculty in 2020, and as Clinical Assistant Professor in 2021. She serves as the Clinical Coordinator of the Sonography Program in the Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences department. In addition, she is the course coordinator and instructor for junior and senior skills labs. Jenny graduated in 2009 with a BS-MIRS from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Since then, she has worked as a clinical sonographer in multiple specialties and has served as Director of Sonography for a multi-facility private practice; she continues to work as a maternal-fetal-medicine sonographer.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

This discussion embraces the theme of preparing students for collaboration. It will present a rationale for focusing on work injury prevention through interprofessional education between sonography and occupational therapy (OT). This talk will explain the activity the students completed, then focus on ways to modify the activity for use in different environments, collaborative groups, and populations through dialog with the learners. This student activity could impact all four components of the Quadruple Aim (Sikka et al., 2015). Sonography has high work-related overuse injury rates (Simonsen…