Assistant Professor, University of Utah Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training
University of Utah
Haley Bento is a Board Certified Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training at the University of Utah. Dr. Bento spent her clinical career in the cardiovascular intensive care unit where she worked to promote interprofessional education and create a collaborative team where patients were always at the center. Dr. Bento created two post-profession physical therapy residency programs, one in acute care and one in cardiopulmonary care. She teaches acute care content to entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy students and serves on her college’s interprofessional education (IPE) board.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Seminar Description: Research supports using simulation to address clinical practice core competencies, including those for interprofessional collaboration in acute care settings. Developing simulations to effectively meet these competencies can be challenging and requires collaboration across specialties. This session will explore ways to fill this critical gap in healthcare education, including developing IPE simulations for live and virtual-based simulation activities. The education session will describe the innovative ways various professions, including nursing, pharmacy, and physicians…