Professor, Director of Interprofessional Education
West Virginia University
School of Pharmacy
Gina M. Baugh, PharmD is a Professor and Director of IPPE at West Virginia University (WVU) School of Pharmacy and the Director of Interprofessional Education (IPE) for the WVU Health Sciences Center (HSC). Dr. Baugh oversees IPE efforts for all HSC health professions. IPE is the primary focus of her service and scholarship efforts, and she has been part of numerous funded grants in this area. Dr. Baugh's awards include WVU HSC Vice President’s Team Achievement Award in 2017, the Go First Award in 2021 and the George E. Thibault, MD Nexus Award in October 2021 for IPE activities.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Seminar Description: Proponents of interprofessional education and practice have great opportunity to think beyond the traditional health care team by considering the wide variety of health and social care professionals who serve our communities in their unique and distinct ways. For example, graduates of health-related programs from community colleges provide many of these essential services; yet, they are frequently missing from interprofessional discussions.
When these professions are not included in important conversations about health and social care services, then how inclusive is…
Interprofessional Student Poster Description: Background: Health profession schools need to meet the demands of caring for a diverse population. Empathy and the understanding of how privilege can affect health care are essential in providing proper care for patients. An Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) event about Curiosity, Accountability, Appreciation, Respect, Empathy, and Service (CAARES) was developed to address these concerns. Objective: To implement an interactive interprofessional activity surrounding privilege to (1) increase awareness of one’s own privileges and (2)…
Background: Patients experiencing homelessness have a high risk for chronic medical conditions, a higher mortality rate than the general population and often have difficulty accessing and managing medications. For these reasons, it is important to incorporate experiences into health professions curricula so students are better prepared to provide medical care for these patients. The objectives of this study were to (1) Implement a simulated activity related to care of underserved patients, (2) assess pharmacy student perceptions of the activity, and (3) assess pharmacy students’ use of the…
Poster Description: Background: Many learners lack necessary lived or clinical experience necessary to understand the stigma associated with substance use disorder (SUD) and the implications on healthcare. This IPE session aims to address that gap by providing a presentation from a physician struggling with SUD coupled with a dramatic recreation of events in the life of an addicted person (based on the life experiences of the presenter), with small-group facilitator-led discussion and debriefing focused on IPE communication.Design: The virtual session began with a presentation on SUD,…
Lightning Talk Description: Working together for impact and developing and sustaining IPE, whether interprofessional education, collaborative practice, interprofessional clinical learning environments, or interprofessional academic-community partnerships, requires leadership to attend to the well-being of individuals and teams, as well as their own well-being. While the Quadruple Aim brought attention to practitioner burnout and its deleterious impact on the experience of care of people, the health of populations, and the value and cost of care, it stands to reason that the well-being of…