Senior Research Biostatistician
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Center for Learning and Leadership
Gale Hann (they/them) is the data coordinator for both the Center for Learning
and Leadership/OK UCEDD and OKLEND program. Gale works in the OUHSC Department of Family and Preventive Medicine,
Primary Care Health Policy Division to evaluate programs and policies related to family and child health and sexual and
reproductive health. After completing the OKLEND program, they began publicly identifying as an autistic
self-advocate. Gale is passionate about how data, evaluation, and research efforts can
be used to best support programs and policy, particularly for people with disabilities and
the LGBTQ+ community.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Poster Description:
Background: Adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) are a significantly underserved population in terms of health care. People with I/DD experience consequences from the lack of preparation most health profession students have in working with people with these disabilities. People with I/DD frequently have adverse experiences in medical settings and many practicing care providers lack confidence in treating people with I/DD. At the same time, many family members are involved in providing care for people with I/DD throughout the lifespan. Family…