Director Pediatrics NP Program and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Pediatric Health Care
New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing

Dr. Donna Hallas is a Clinical Professor and Director of the Pediatrics NP (PNP) Program at NYU Meyers College of Nursing. She is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and a Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Specialist. Effective July 1, 2023, she became the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pediatric Health Care. In 2007, Dr. Hallas began her work at NYU Meyers College of Nursing. She developed interprofessional relationships with the NYU College of Dentistry which her PNP students and the Dental students learned together in outpatient settings. The dental residents and her PNP students, led in-house case study analyses and presented their work at interprofessional meetings at the College of Dentistry. Her research focuses on improving health care outcomes for young children. She was the PI for a quasi-experimental study on vaccine hesitancy in prenatal women and mothers of newborns. This work was published in the Journal for Nurse Practitioners in March 2023 special issue on pediatrics. She was the Principal Investigator (PI) for 2.1-million-dollar grant from HRSA grant for preceptor development that designed and implemented an online educational program to educate NP preceptors in current clinical educational strategies to prepare NP students to be “practice-ready” upon graduation. Her first book received the 2018 American Journal of Nursing of nursing First Place award for Psychiatric Mental Health and Third Place award for Child health: Behavioral Pediatric Healthcare for Nurse Practitioners: A Growth and Developmental Approach to Intercepting Abnormal Behaviors. Dr. Hallas is the Digital Editor for Contemporary Pediatrics, writing a monthly column: The PNP Corner. Dr. Hallas is an active member of several nurse practitioner organizations and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.  Dr. Hallas holds a PhD from Adelphi University. Dr. Hallas received  the NYU Distinguished Teaching Award on May 10, 2022 and the NYU Meyers College of Nursing Distinguished Teaching Award on May 23, 2022.


Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Life has often been described as a series of defining moments. Moments that have been used to illustrate how certain events in our lives shape who we have become and the future trajectory of our lives.   For the third of our population who systematically had limited access to oral care and continue to suffer from social and economic barriers leading to persistent inequality, for these and countless others, their defining moments are different. They consist of many barriers that prevent underserved and disadvantaged populations from accessing quality health care services. Barriers that…