Professor of Nursing
University of Central Florida
Desiree A. Díaz has spent more than a decade seeking to improve healthcare disparities through simulation education. Her research focuses on combining cutting-edge simulation technology with the human emotion of empathy to foster more culturally competent providers and ultimately improve care for underserved patient populations, including the incarcerated, English language learners and the LGBTQ+ community. Her creative and innovative simulations have helped establish best practices and revolutionized training, such as the creation of the world’s first correctional nursing simulation van to train prison nurses.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Seminar Description:  Priority Category/Summit theme: This seminar presents a method for addressing one proposed Quadruple Aim strategy, improving the clinician experience. Our focus considers health professions students and how to use the virtual classroom to enhance their future experience as practitioners. While not a typical consideration for the focus of interprofessional education, the increasingly alarming rates of anxiety, depression, burnout and other maladaptive responses to stress among health care professionals has resulted in educators seeking ways to prepare students for the…