Assistant Professor
Wingate University
Debbie Prouty is faculty at Wingate University's Doctorate of Physical Therapy program in Wingate, NC. She teaches course content in PT for the geriatric population, clinical practice in the acute care setting, pharmacology, and interprofessional education. Dr. Prouty serves the vice-chair on Wingate's Interprofessional Education Committee. In this role, she co-created a 4-part IPE curriculum spanning two semesters for first-year health science students. Additionally, she incorporates interprofessional learning experiences throughout her courses. Her current research includes investigating IPE to prepare DPT students' clinical practice and geriatric PT research examining the link between changes in gait variability and predicting early dementia.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Poster Description: Background: Preparing students in healthcare programs for the complex acute care hospital setting has many challenges including proving competency with high-technology equipment and working within multidisciplinary teams while managing medically-complex patients. Early development of interprofessional competencies is supported by feedback from students and clinicians (Sheldon et al, 2012). Healthcare programs utilize interprofessional education (IPE) to facilitate learning between professionals, prepare students for clinical education, and focus on four core competencies…