Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry
University of Michigan
Danielle Rulli, RDH, MS, DHSc, is a Clinical Associate Professor of Dentistry at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics & Oral Medicine, Division of Dental Hygiene and is the Director of the Master’s of Science in Dental Hygiene program. Dr. Rulli’s research interests include interprofessional education/collaboration, integrated care, and the non-surgical treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. She is a co-investigator on a number of funded projects researching the integration of oral health and behavioral health. Dr. Rulli was an invited contributor to Oral Health in America: Advances and Challenges, the landmark follow up to the 2000 Surgeon General's Oral Health in America published by the NIDCR. Dr. Rulli was a subject matter expert for the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's toolkit Oral Health, Mental Health and Substance Use: A Framework for Increased Coordination and Integration. She is recognized for her leadership and contributions to dental education, receiving a Chair of the ADEA Board of Directors Citation in 2022, and the Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize from the University of Michigan as part of a team offering novel IPE experiences. She maintains active clinical practice in the Department of Periodontics & Oral Medicine Faculty Practice.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Poster Description:
Interprofessional socialization is essential to success in clinical practice and promoting population health, yet it is overshadowed by uni-professional development. Focusing only on uni-professional development is a lost opportunity for learners to foster awareness around each profession’s and patient’s values, beliefs, ethics, and lived experiences. Experiential interprofessional education (IPE) through practice settings for early learners can lead to changes in mindsets and work cultures in which individual, interpersonal, and systemic factors a patient…
Poster Description:
The Longitudinal Interprofessional Family Based Experience (LIFE) is an experiential educational offering focused on teamwork of interprofessional student teams with patients who have chronic illnesses. Due to the initial success, expansion to reach more students, patient advisors, faculty, and collaborating units through academic/practice partnerships was needed. This presentation aims to highlight the scaling frameworks and sustainability strategies.
The LIFE team, faculty/students/staff representing 11 academic units and the health system’s Office…
Poster Description:
Objective: Patients’ evaluation of interprofessional healthcare teams is critical to understanding team-based care. As part of an educational experience, patients/families were interviewed by interprofessional teams of healthcare students. The objective of this study was to describe patient’s/family’s opportunity to evaluate the interprofessional teams and their perceptions of interacting with the teams.
Methods: Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-Based Experience (LIFE) is a semester-long experiential offering for early learners at a large midwestern university,…