Assistant Professor
Duke University
School of Medicine
Dr. Dana Clifton is an Assistant Professor in Medicine and Pediatrics at Duke University Hospital. She works clinically as a Medicine-Pediatrics hospitalist, rounding on both the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics services. Dr. Clifton is an Associate Program Director for the Combined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program and a Capstone Coach. Dr. Clifton founded and currently serves as the Co-Medical Director of Project COMET, a program designed to improve the care of hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Poster Description: Background: Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC)’s mission is to ensure that health professionals are proficient in competencies essential for patient-centered, community and population-oriented, interprofessional, collaborative practice. First-year curriculum at Duke University School of Medicine includes teaching on IPEC principles, though students lack the opportunity to apply them clinically.The goals of our curriculum are to expose students to the value of IPEC and improve understanding of the roles/responsibilities of other health care professionals…