Clinical Instructor of Nursing
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans
Colette Baudoin PhD(c), MSN, RN, OCN, CNE is a Clinical Instructor of Nursing at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at New Orleans. She is the Faculty Council member representing the School of Nursing for the Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. She is a Certified Nurse Education and Oncology Certified Nurse, Mrs. Baudoin has achieved several recognition awards including Great 100 Nurses in 2016 and Daisy Faculty Award in 2020, 2021, and 2022,and the Allen Copping Award for Teaching Excellence. She is a member of several professional organizations including the New Orleans Oncology Nurses and Sigma Theta Tau-Epsilon Nu at Large chapter where she is currently President.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Lightning Talk Description: The interprofessional education (IPE) literature has noted benefits of engaging pre-health learners (Dumke, VanderWielen, Harris, & Ford-Smith, 2016) and engaging health professional students in IPE early in their academic journey (Langendyke, Hegazi, Cowin, Johnson, & Wilson, 2015). A benefit of early IPE engagement includes exposure to a variety of health professions before stereotypes develop or profession-concentric views (Gunaldo et al., 2021; Pecukonis, Doyle, & Bliss, 2008). This Lightning Talk will provide attendees with a blueprint for…