Candan Nixon
Seton Hall University
Candan Nixon is a third-year Doctor Physical therapy student at Seton Hall University with BSc in Biology. His experience with team sports has fostered interpersonal communication skills and a desire to incorporate it into his future PT practice. Throughout the last couple of years, he has developed professional interests in research, pediatrics, and sports/orthopedics. Beyond the classroom, some of his passions include making coffee and baking, as they are outlets for combining adventurous creativity with his interests in science.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Lightning Talk Description: The World Health Organization (WHO) Rehabilitation Competency Framework (RCF) is a model aimed at communicating expected performance of the rehabilitation workforce across professions, and settings to enable quality care and service delivery; it describes competencies, behaviors, and tasks relevant to all rehabilitation professionals. The RCF was designed as a point of reference to help diverse stakeholders, including educators, accomplish shared competencies and behaviors across health professions who engage in rehabilitation practices. The RCF is organized around…