Ann Henshaw, OTD, MPH, MBA
Occupational Therapist
Georgetown University Hospital
Ann Henshaw is an occupational therapy practitioner and an experienced collaborator who seeks to integrate rehabilitation services to enhance quality of care and quality of life for seriously ill people and their families. Her experience in public health and health care consulting allow her a broad view of the barriers and facilitators to collaborative practice. As part of her doctoral work, she developed the PalRehab Toolkit to share evidence based strategies to promote interprofessional collaborative practice in palliative rehabilitation. Ann works to enhance role clarity, teamwork and communication and ultimately improve care delivery.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Seminar Description:  Description: Palliative care and rehabilitation professionals have aligned goals and share a philosophy of person/family centered, holistic care that incorporates physical, psychosocial, and spiritual domains yet models of interprofessional collaborative practice are sparse. Barriers to collaboration for these philosophically likeminded teams include time constraints, role misunderstanding and inadequate interprofessional training. Mitigating barriers to collaboration and integrating rehabilitation services into the palliative care model can augment care delivery and…