Angela Cecil, PhD, MBA, OTR
Associate Clinical Professor
Texas Woman's University
Dr. Angela Cecil has been a licensed and certified occupational therapist since 1997 and an occupational therapy educator since 2010. Her practice has been adult rehabilitation in a variety of medical model settings; however, she has enjoyed a variety of interesting practice and volunteer experiences with many other populations and settings since joining academia. Additionally, Dr. Cecil advocates for and facilitates interprofessional education and international collaboration. Angela is a member of the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative and co-chair of its Membership Committee.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Seminar Description: Proponents of interprofessional education and practice have great opportunity to think beyond the traditional health care team by considering the wide variety of health and social care professionals who serve our communities in their unique and distinct ways. For example, graduates of health-related programs from community colleges provide many of these essential services; yet, they are frequently missing from interprofessional discussions. When these professions are not included in important conversations about health and social care services, then how inclusive is…