Amy Tucker, PhD
Assistant Dean, Graduate Education & Research
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Dr. Tucker completed her PhD in Microbial Pathogenesis and post-doctoral training in Viral Immunology and Vaccine Development. She then worked at a biotech start-up, combining scientific expertise with research administration and business development. She has since worked with startups in a Program Management capacity and has consulted for universities, tech transfer offices, and funding agencies to identify and advance innovative approaches in biomedical research and healthcare. As the Assistant Dean for Graduate Education & Research, her main focus areas include program review, career & professional development, interdisciplinary training, STEM promotion & community outreach, & strategic partnerships.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Lightning Talk Description: The annual Graduate Research Education and Technology (GREAT) Symposium highlights major focus areas in biomedical and health sciences while allowing students and trainees to present individual research and engage with OUHSC's diverse campus community, comprised of 7 distinct colleges and numerous disciplines. In 2021, the GREAT symposium was expanded to include the interdisciplinary GREAT Debate. For this event, 2 teams comprised of students from professional and graduate research programs work to build and defend an argument in favor of or against a pre-selected…